Category: DIY Gadgets
We can build a teardrop camping trailer from scratch, but if you have a cargo go, you may more like to convert it into a camper van. Agree? Let’s …
The smart mirror powered by Raspberry Pi only costs you approx $100, but you need to make it by yourself. Like the idea? Let’s keep checking.
The privacy monitor looks all white to everyone except you. You just need a 3D glasses. Sounds cool? Let’s keep checking how to make your own privacy monitor with …
Reportedly Microsoft has developed a smart mirror that can read your emotions, but it’s unavailable, so we might as well make our own motion sensing smart mirror by ourselves.
It’s time to plan a great camping trip for your upcoming summer vacation, but at first you can build the reclaimed wood micro teardrop camping trailer by yourself.
Have you remembered the action figures combined the style of Star Wars and other pop culture created by Sillof? Now the artist has built his another unique mashup-style He-Wars …
Death Star is powered by several hypermatter reactors, but the mini Death Star has no power unless you keep adding wood into the steel fire pit. Curious? Let’s keep …
Need something special to rest your weary feet? You may like to build a giant 555 timer shaped footstool if you like making something by yourself and circuit boards.