Thanko Fanbrella An Innovative Fan Umbrella

Feel kind of hot when holding umbrella in the summer rain? Apparently Thanko has a nice solution: Fanbrella – an innovative umbrella integrated fan.

Thanko Fanbrella An Innovative Fan Umbrella

The interesting umbrella from Thanko measures 70cm long and weights 600g. Outwardly, Fanbrella is just a common umbrella to keep rain away, but when holding the umbrella, you will find a hidden fan has been placed inside the umbrella, which can effectively cool your body down in a humid rainy day. Of course, don’t forget to put three AA batteries into Fanbrella.

Thanko Fanbrella An Innovative Fan Umbrella Thanko Fanbrella An Innovative Fan Umbrella
Thanko Fanbrella An Innovative Fan Umbrella Thanko Fanbrella An Innovative Fan Umbrella

Thanko Fanbrella is available in two colors, including silver and blue. Each one is priced at $64.48 USD. If you’re interested, jump to GeekStuff4U for more details. Additionally, here is another practical LED umbrella.

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