Star Wars AT-ST Mini Model Made with Popsicle Sticks

You can easily purchase a detailed Star Wars AT-ST model on the Internet, but if you’re a DIY lover, the following AT-ST mini model made with popsicle sticks may be able to draw your more attention.

Star Wars AT-ST Mini Model Made with Popsicle Sticks

Popsicle mini models, the member of instructables created the amazing mini model based on All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST), one of the most iconic vehicles in the universe of Star Wars. As we can see from the images, the mini model features accurate details, and has two really skinny mechanical legs. Most importantly, the talented crafter just used some general tools and easy-to-access material: popsicle sticks for the awesome mini model. The crafter has unveiled the while steps to create the AT-ST model. If you also want to make it by yourself, jump to the page of instructables for more details.

Star Wars AT-ST Mini Model Made with Popsicle Sticks

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