Scan Board: A Concept Scanner for Books

No doubt, it’s not very easy to scan a simple page in a book with a common scanner. So talented designers came up with a practical design concept: Scan Board to solve this problem.

Scan Board: A Concept Scanner for Books

the unique scanner is designed by Jo Jae-hwan and Shin Se-hwa, two Korean designers. As we can see from the images, the concept scanner looks like a book-sized transparent plexiglass, of course, it’s more useful than a plexiglass. Just cover the page that you need to scan with the transparent board, and press the Scan button, the traditional page will convert into digital content. And you can also check the scanning result on the board, finally, via USB port, you can easily transmit the page into your computer. Very simple, but we are not very sure whether the practical design concept will become reality.

Scan Board: A Concept Scanner for Books

Additionally, if you need some available options, you might like to check the USB mini scanner.

Scan Board: A Concept Scanner for Books

Scan Board: A Concept Scanner for Books Source

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