Kobo has announced its latest eReader: Kobo Aura One. With its 7.8″ E-ink touchscreen, the ebook reader delivers a more immersive reading experience, and waterproof housing lets you read even in water.
Kobo Aura One is a large-screen, waterproof ebook reader that measures 195.1 x 138.5 x 6.9mm and weighs 230g. As we can see from the images, the eReader shows off a sleek, minimal and slim profile. There is on any button on its front panel, and its blue power button is arranged in the upper right corner of the back cover for easy access and extra dealing, while the slightly curved and textured back lets you comfortably and firmly hold the eReader in your hand.
Kobo Aura One comes equipped with a 7.8″ HD Carta E-ink touchscreen with 1872 x 1494 pixels resolution and 300 dpi pixel density in order to deliver a superior print-quality reading experience, and its enhanced front-light technology allows it to automatically mimic the sun’s natural progression, emitting the optimal brightness and hue based on the time of day. Furthermore, the eReader features HZO Protection which makes it meet requirements of IPX8 waterproof rating, so it’s able to withstand immersion up to 2 meters of water for up to 60 minutes. In addition, other features also include 8GB internal storage and up to 1 month of battery life.
Kobo Aura One will be available for preorder for $229.99 starting at the end of August. If you’re interested, jump to Kobo for its more details.