Kobo has announced its latest eReader – Kobo Aura HD. if you like reading ebooks using mobile device, the new ebook reader may be able to draw your more attention.
Kobo Aura HD is a premium ebook reader that measures 175.7 x 128.3 x 7mm and weights 240g. As we can see from the images, the eReader features minimalistic, low-profile design, and comes with a 6.8-inch custom WXGA+ Pearl E-ink screen that features ClarityScreen+ technology in order to bring 1440 x 1080 pixels resolution and 155 dpi onto the 6.8-inch ebook reader so you can more comfortably enjoy your favorite books using the high definition eReader, and the built-in front-light allows you to read in the dark and low light environments. Moreover, the ebook reader comes with a 1GHz processor, WiFi connectivity, and 4GB internal storage and microSD card slot for up to 32GB, apart from that, the built-in rechargeable battery offers up to 2 months based on 30 minutes of reading per day.
Kobo Aura HD eReader is available in three colors including Espresso, Ivory, and Onyx, each one is priced at $169.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Kobo official site for more details.