Kapture Always-On Audio-Recording Wristband

You can easily capture those wonderful moments with your smartphone, but how to save those touching speeches? Take a look Kapture, the always-on audio-recording wristband should be a nice solution.

Kapture Always-On Audio-Recording Wristband

Kapture is a unique Bluetooth-enabled wrist band designed to offer you an easy way to save and share those amazing conversations. As we can see from the images, Kapture features simple and stylish design along with gorgeous color scheme, and the wrist band always records audio in a 60-second buffered loop, and the buffered loop continuously overwrites itself until you taps the wristband to save an audio clip of the previous 60 seconds, moreover, the clip is uploaded to your smartphone that pairs with the wrist band in order that you can name, tag, filter and even share it with your friends. Apart from that, built-in 120mAh rechargeable battery offers over 24-hour battery life.

Kapture Always-On Audio-Recording Wristband Kapture Always-On Audio-Recording Wristband

At present the team of Kapture is raising fund at Kickstarter. Pledging $99 will let you own the always-on audio-recording wristband. If you’re interested, jump to Kickstarter official site for more details.

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