That would be wrong if you thought the recycled printed circuit boards (PCBs) just can be used for the motherboard coasters. It’s very clear that the circuit boards can be turned into some incredible found art sculptures in he hands of artist Steven Rodrig.
animals, insects, plants, landscapes and living goods, I believe everything can be created by Steven Rodrig with the recycled circuit boards. Do you like the book with a special cover covered over by chips, circuits and welding spots? If yes, continue to appreciate the more wonderful PCB found art sculptures by Steven Rodrig.
The important features of an excellent design of PCB
In PCB design, the roles PCB layer stacking plays in controlling EMI radiation
There being a boom in the overall PCB industry in China
In PCB design, the roles PCB layer stacking plays in controlling EMI radiation and its design tactic
Fast PCB prototype:In 24 hours.
Our philosophy: Fast, Accurate, Excellence!
The application of ultraviolet laser processing in the PCB industry