Handmade Skyrim Dragonborn Helmet

You can purchase a Skyrim inspired fleece hat for a costume party. But if you prefer making a Skyrim Dragonborn helmet by yourself, let’s go on checking.

Handmade Skyrim Dragonborn Helmet

Chichill, a member of instructables handmade the awesome helmet based on Dragonborn helmet, one of the most iconic helmet in the universe of the video game the Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. As we can see from the images, the replica of Dragonborn helmet features subtle details and awesome coating from the original helmet, and the weathering effect and well-designed scraches make the helmet look really like coming from a fierce battlefield. Most importantly, the talented crafter has released whole making process. If you also want to make a Dragonborn helmet, jump to chichill’s instructables page for more details.

Handmade Skyrim Dragonborn Helmet
Handmade Skyrim Dragonborn Helmet

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