Chibi Star Wars Characters Representing Alphabet

No doubt, this is the most chibi group of Star Wars characters that we’ve ever seen. There are 26 characters from Star Wars representing letters from A to Z. Which one do you think is your favorite character? C-3PO or Darth Vader? Let’s go on checking.
Chibi Star Wars Characters Representing Alphabet -Darth Vader

Joe Wight, a comic artist designed these incredibly cute Star Wars characters. We can found out almost all well-known characters in Star Wars series such as Stormtrooper, Boba Fett, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, Jabba, and so on. These cute characters respectively represent:

A is for Ackbar
B is for Boba (Fett!)
C is for Chewbacca (C-3PO gets to be called Threepio for this!)
D is for Darth Vader
E is for Emperor (Palpatine!)
F is for 4-LOM (the droid bounty-hunter)
G is for Greedo
H is for Han (Solo!)
I is for IG-88 (the OTHER droid bounty-hunter)
J is for Jabba (the Hutt!)
K is for Klaatu (with the vibro-ax)
L is for Luke (Skywalker!)
M is for Moff (as in, Grand Moff Tarkin)
N is for Nien (Numb!)
O is for Obi-Wan
P is for Princess (Leia!)
Q is for Quarren (the octopus faced alien)
R is for R2D2
S is for Stormtrooper
T is for Threepio
U is for Ugnaught
V is for Veers (as in, General Veers)
W is for Wicket (the ewok)
X is for X-Wing Pilot (I think that’s Biggs)
Y is for Yoda
Z is for Zuckuss (the bug-looking bounty hunter)

By the way, don’t forget to check another set of wonderful Star Wars cartoon characters.

A is for Ackbar by joewight B is for Boba by joewight C is for Chewie by joewight
E is for Emperor by joewight F is for 4 LOM by joewight G is for Greedo by joewight
H is for Han Solo by joewight I is for IG 88 by joewight J is for Jabba by joewight
K is for Klaatu by joewight L is for Luke Skywalker by joewight M is for Moff by joewight
N is for Nien by joewight O is for Obi Wan by joewight P is for Princess Leia by joewight
Q is for Quarren by joewight R is for R2-D2 by joewight S is for stormtrooper by joewight
T is for Threepio by joewight U is for Ugnaught by joewight V is for Veers by joewight
W is for Wicket by joewight X is for X Wing Pilot by joewight Y is for Yoda by joewight
Z is for Zuckuss by joewight


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  1. Natalie Allen 07/20/2017

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