Facts have already proved that vintage cassette tape doesn’t reach the age of retirement. And Rew Headphone Cord Wrap, the functional cord organizer will further prove the point.
Rew Headphone Cord Wrap is a cord organizer shaped as a mini cassette. Just like the real mixtape, the cord organizer also has the simple and useful REW feature. Of course, the feature can help you rewind the tangled cords instead of magnetic tape.
Rew Headphone Cord Wrap is priced at $4.99 USD. If you want one, the cord cable organizer is available at perpetual kid.
Additionally, Magneat is also a nice cord organizer for the headphone cords. Here is another proof that the cassette is always useful.
This product is useful in adding MORE UNWANTED weight to your earbuds! But Kool Clipz solved the problem!