Case Maker Pro Kit for Customizable iPhone 5s Case

Some case salers allow you to design your own iPhone cases, but if you want to freely change your design, the Case Maker Pro kit may be more suitable for you.

Case Maker Pro Kit for Customizable iPhone 5s Case

Case Maker Pro is an interesting kit designed yo offer you an easy way to make your own iPhone 5 case. The kit contains a photo cropper, a polycarbonate iPhone case for iPhone 5/5s and a number of optional lamination films. The photo cropper made of stainless steel and features 14 fully enclosed multi-angle blades in order that you can safely use it to crop your favorite photo or picture, and just placing it on the back of the transparent case you can get a customizable iPhone 5s case with ease. After the break, check out the following demo video.

At present the inventor of the Case Maker Pro is raising fund via Indiegogo. Pledging $49 will let you own the kit. If you’re interested, jump to Indiegogo official site for more details.

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