Bradley’s Homemade Star Wars Lightsaber Replicas

Undoubtedly a life-size lightsaber replica makes you more like a Jedi. But a homemade lightsaber can apparently show your position of hardcore Star Wars fan. Fortunately now we can make an incredible lightsaber by ourselves with Bradley’s help.

Bradley‘s Homemade Star Wars Lightsaber Replicas

Bradley W. Lewis is a video game developer by day, and a maker of things by night. No doubt, his Star Wars lightsabers are the best homemade Star Wars props we’ve ever seen. Just as we see, Bradley used many metal parts on each lightsaber with the help of machines, and equipped smart LED ladder styled blade on the metallic handle. Moreover, that Obi Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber comes with a speaker in order to imitate the real sound of lightsaber in Star Wars movies. After the break, check out the video of the lightsaber.

The remarkable thing is that Bradley has released all making steps at his site slothfurnace. If conditions allow, you can make your own lightsaber replica according to the maker’s released steps.

By the way, you can also find other lightsaber gadgets such as the lightsaber USB drive and lightsaber chopsticks.

Bradley‘s Homemade Star Wars Lightsaber Replicas
Bradley‘s Homemade Star Wars Lightsaber Replicas
Bradley‘s Homemade Star Wars Lightsaber Replicas

Make Your Own Star Wars Lightsaber Source

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  1. stooges 07/29/2011
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      • tera baap 05/23/2012
  2. why???? 07/29/2011
  3. ur 07/29/2011
    • nicstar 07/29/2011
  4. Thristhan 03/21/2011
    • Daniel 03/22/2011
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