Star Wars Lightsaber Chopsticks

They say the Star Wars lightsaber has had impressive success in Japan. Obviously, it never happened in battlefield. All these lightsaber chopsticks can do is try their best to invade your tables.

Star Wars Lightsaber Chopsticks

Now, the ambition of Star Wars chopsticks has big enough to need to invade all dinner tables of Star Wars fans. These sets of chopsticks are inspired by three famous Star Wars lightsabers respectively owned by Darth Vader, Luck SkyWalker, and Master Yoda. Each set measures 230 mm long, and is made according to the originals in the movies.

Star Wars Lightsaber Chopsticks Darth Vader Version

Each set of Star Wars Lightsaber Chopsticks is priced at about $24 USD. Geek4Stuff has started to accept the pre-orders. If you like sushi, and are fan of Star Wars, it’d be fit for you.

Star Wars Lightsaber Chopsticks Star Wars Lightsaber Chopsticks

Moreover, you also can view the lightsaber USB flash drive that can invade your computer.

Star Wars Lightsaber Chopsticks Source

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