Team Fortress 2 The Soldier Collectible Statue

We know you’ve owned the Heavy collectible figure, then as a faithful Team Fortress 2 fan, the Soldier collectible statue apparently is your next target.

Team Fortress 2 The Soldier Collectible Statue

Same as the former the Heavy figure, the Soldier is also a official licensed collectible statue made by Gaming Heads. And same as the original Soldiers in Team Fortress 2, the statue is available in two iconic colors including red and blue. Each Soldier statue was made of high quality poly-stone, and carefully hand finished and painted according to the actual game files, so as we can see from the images, the 13-inch Soldier collectible figure features impressive detail and standard posture.

Team Fortress 2 The Soldier Collectible Statue Team Fortress 2 The Soldier Collectible Statue
Team Fortress 2 The Soldier Collectible Statue Team Fortress 2 The Soldier Collectible Statue

Team Fortress 2 the Soldier collectible statue is available in two limited versions, one is priced at $219 USD, another with additional weapon costs $234.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Gaming Heads official site for more details.

Team Fortress 2 The Soldier Collectible Statue Team Fortress 2 The Soldier Collectible Statue

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