Super Mario Coaster Set

It’s an incredible coaster set combined with those cute characters and elements in Super Mario video game series. If you like the cute mushroom and Goomba, let’s go on checking.

Super Mario Coaster Set

As we can see, each Super Mario themed coaster is made of perler beads, and features a cute character or item appearing in mushroom kingdom such as 1UP Mushroom, Super Mushroom, Goomba, Star, and etc. Each coaster also comes with vinyl coated linoleum backing. Moreover, a set of Spuer Mario coaters has four coasters.

Super Mario Coaster Set

Super Mario coaster set is priced at $18 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Etsy for more details. additionally, don’t forget to check other Super Mario themed gadgets such as the powerful Koopa papercraft and mushroom iPhone case.

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