YuFu Pro Pressure Sensitive Stylus for iPad

Want to create awesome art work with your iPad? Apparently you need a high performance pressure sensitive stylus such as YuFu Pro.

YuFu Pro Pressure Sensitive Stylus for iPad

YuFu Pro is a professional pressure sensitive stylus designed for iPad. As we can see from the images, the iPad stylus features stylish and ergonomic design, and comes with built-in Bluetooth technology in order to pair with your iPad 3/4, iPad Air or iPad mini, and its pressure sensor is placed under your finger tip so the iPad stylus brings you 4048 levels pressure sensitivity, moreover, its Gyro sensor allows integrated app to identify the pen’s angle in order that you can use the stylish to freely create various paintings on your iPad, and optional gestures make your creation more convenient. Apart from that, YuFu also comes in other two models including YuFu Focus with 64 levels of pressure sensitivity and YuFu stylus.

YuFu Pro Pressure Sensitive Stylus for iPad

At present the team of YuFu is raising fund at Kickstarter. Pledging $99 will let you own YuFu Pro iPad stylus. If you’re interested, jump to Kickstarter official site for more details.

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