X-Men Paper Craft Collection

How to form your own X-Men army on your desk? You can collect those X-Men action figure or make them by yourself. Let’s go on checking the following X-Men paper craft collection.

X-Men Paper Craft Collection

Gus Santome, a passionate papercraft artist created Battle of Atom, an amazing paper craft collection based on X-Men, the famous team of mutant superheroes from Marvel’s comic world. As we can see from the images, the collection contains over dozen of different designs, each one sports an iconic mutant superhero, including Wolverine, Storm, Beast, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Raze, Angel and etc. Each X-Men mini papercraft features pretty cute squat design, and those iconic details and colors tell you they are the members of the great superhero team.

X-Men Paper Craft Collection

The maker has released all templates of the X-Men paper crafts. If you also want to bring the superheroes on your desk, jump to Mini Papercraft for more details.

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