Wooly Dumpling Handmade Carrying Case for Accessories

With 3 sizes and unique shape the Wooly Dumpling handmade carrying case is ideal to hold your daily digital accessories. If you like the design, let’s keep checking.Wooly Dumpling Handmade Carrying Case for Accessories

The Wooly Dumpling is a well-made and practical case handmade by byrdandbelle, a handicraft studio from Minneapolis.

The accessory case looks like an oversize dumpling. It’s made of 100% wool felt in 3mm thickness for durability and premium feel, and the soft exterior makes it comfortable to touch.Wooly Dumpling Handmade Carrying Case for Accessories

The zippered case is available in 3 sizes so that you can choose based on your accessories. The largest case fits for MacBook Pro charging brick, the medium case accommodates a Magic Mouse or Logitech mouse, card readers and more small accessories, while the smallest one holds earbuds, USB drives and etc.Wooly Dumpling Handmade Carrying Case for Accessories

The dumpling shaped carrying case starts from $26 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Etsy for its more details.

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