No doubt, it’s a pretty big challenge for young parents to measure their baby’s temperature. How to solve the trouble? Take a look at Wishbone, the easy-to-use smart thermometer should be a nice solution.
The Wishbone is an ultra compact, easy-to-use and no-contact smart thermometer that works with both Android and iOS devices. The smart device looks like a Y-shaped audio splitter but delivers a more portable and sleek design. Using integrated 3.5mm audio connector, the smart thermometer can be easily attached to your smartphone, and it comes equipped with an infrared sensor, all you need to do is keep the thermometer close to your kid’s forehead in just a few second, the temperature data will be displayed on your smartphone, moreover, Wishbone doesn’t emit any radiation or sound, and custom app can store historical data in order to help parents monitor their baby’s temperature. Apart from that, the smart thermometer can be used to measures ambient and object temperatures.
The fundraising campaign for Wishbone is in progress. Pledging $33 will let you own the smart thermometer. If you’re interested, jump to Kickstarter official site for more details or check out the following video first.