One question, which one do you pick between a real V8 engine and the following V8 engine computer case mod? Of course, both items can’t be sold. As a computer geek, I will choice the ultra cool case.
Unfortunately, there is not much more info about the V8 engine computer case modification such as its creator, its materials, making processes, and etc on the Internet. However, fortunately we have these detailed images about the computer case. From them, the case mod has two computer cases holding those internal units like motherboard, video card, and etc. The DVD drive is placed at the air intake of the V8 engine. Moreover, those blue LED lights make the computer case mod look much cooler in the dark.
By the way, don’t forget to check the Warhammer 40K Dreadnought computer case, Fallout computer case, and more via “mod” tag.
Via GG touching V8 Engine Computer Case Mod Source
can someone tell me how much V8 Engine Computer Case
is and were u can buy them