Pixar Animation Studios’ Toy Story 3 has been on for several days running. Hot Toys also lost no opportunity to unveil their latest two series of Toy Story 3 Cosbaby mini action figures.
The two series are Cosbaby S and Cosbaby M series according to the different sizes. The Toy Story 3 Cosbaby S series totally have eight characters from the latest movie, including Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Jessie, Emperor Zurg, Army Man as well two Aliens and a secret figure. Each Cosbaby action figure is about 3 inches tall, features cute look and high details. The Toy Story 3 Cosbaby M series have three characters. Each mini figure is about 6 inches tall. Both of series come with snap kits with joint articulations and special accessories.
The Cosbaby figure of S series is priced at $12.99 USD, the M Cosbaby figure costs $45.99 USD. Many online stores have started accepting preorders of the figures. If you like the figures, use Google Shopping to find them at the best price offered.
More like Iron Man? Check out the pack of Iron Man Cosbaby figures.
I noticed there wasn’t any mention of Bruder Toys. Where by I live that’s the only toy you will see in the Playground or Beach. I’d love to see some additional info about Bruder Toys.Thanks!