Apparently the special toaster doesn’t bring you delicious toasts. But if you want to transmit data between computers, the toaster shaped USB hub and USB flash drives will help you.
This is an interesting usb hub. As we can see from the images, the USB hub is shaped as a mini sized toaster, and with silver coating and subtle details. Of course, 2 slices have been replaced by the four USB ports in order that you can conveniently plug up to 4 USB gadgets in and connect them with your computer, while the integrated SD card reader allows you to transmit data between your computer and memory card. Moreover, there are four optional toast shaped USB flash drives, each of the USB drives measures 1.5 x 1.25 x 0.75 inches, and features cartoonish design, and comes with 4GB storage capacity. Apart from that, the USB hub also ships with a 1 meter long USB cable.
The toaster shaped USB hub is priced at $27.99 USD, while the toast shaped USB flash drive costs $24.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to ThinkGeek for more details. Additionally, also don’t miss other nice options via “USB hub” tag.