The RC A-Team Van Built with LEGO Bricks

We have featured many nice remote control cars made with LEGO bricks, but if you’re a fan of the A-Team, the following RC A-Team van may be able to draw your more attention.

The RC A-Team Van Built with LEGO Bricks

Vimal Patel, a LEGO artist from New Zealand built the awesome remote control car with LEGO bricks based on the iconic van from the A-Team, a famous action-adventure television series. As we can see from the images, the LEGO version of the iconic van features gorgeous details and classic colors from its original design. Most importantly, the LEGO van is remote controlled so it can perform some lightweight tasks, but unfortunately, the LEGO A-Team Van project hasn’t meet LEGO Cuusoo’s standards. After the break, check out the following images and video about the van.

The RC A-Team Van Built with LEGO Bricks
The RC A-Team Van Built with LEGO Bricks

Via: The Brothers Brick

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