Unlike a normal Swiss Army knife, the huge multi-tool can’t be attach to your keychain, and its built-in tools are designed to smash zombies in unknown zombie apocalypse instead of dealing with some small daily issues. Sounds cool? Let’s keep going.
In preparation for forthcoming zombie invasion, Seamster, a senior instructables user created the awesome Swiss Army machete. As shown in the images, the machete shows off a huge Swiss Army knife shaped casing in classic red with an iconic logo, and undoubtedly the over-sized multi-tool is much more powerful than a regular Swiss Army knife.
The maker collected six zombie-weaponiest tools for the multi tool including heavy pipe wrench, EI Salvadorian machete, 28 oz. Riggee’s axe, vintage J.H. Williams adjustable wrench, 3/4″ auger bit and crow bar. All zombie defense tools were carefully arranged in the red wooden case, and wooden hinges allows you to switch tools based on different zombies, but at first, you must be strong enough to hold the gigantic zombie defense multi-tool and easily wield it in your hands. Want to craft it? Jump to Seamster’s instructables page for full making steps.