The Global Appeal of Angry Birds Infographic

As is known, Angry Birds is one of the most popular mobile games. If you want to know more info behind the addictive mobile game, the Global Appeal of Angry Birds infographic may give you the answer you wanted.

The Global Appeal of Angry Birds Infographic

The interesting infographic named “The Global Appeal of Angry Birds” are designed by Ask Your Target Market, a company dedicated to online marketing search. Undoubtedly, excavating more info behind Angry Birds is their strong suit, so you will see a group of deeper Angry Birds such as the psychology and sociology of Angry Birds, addiction and Angry Birds, even and the cure for the addiction. Of course, all the info are introduced by interesting charts and text. After the break, check out the entire infographic.

The Global Appeal of Angry Birds Infographic

Additionally, if you need more Angry Birds inspired artworks, you might like to check the 8-bit Angry Birds, the zombied Angry Birds and more via “Angry Birds” tag.

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