The Female Avengers with Male Black Widow

The Avengers: Age of Ultron has earned $1.142bn. No doubt, it’s the biggest blockbuster this year, but if female stars acted these superheroes, maybe the superhero film would have a more impressive record. If you also think so, let’s keep checking.

The Female Avengers with Male Black Widow

Ágnes Domokos, a Hungarian designer create the gender-swapped superhero team. As shown in the images, each member of the female Avengers are acted by famous female stars, including Kate Beckinsale as Iron Man, Shailene Woodley as Hawkeye, Amber Heard as Captain America, Mila Kunis as Bruce Banner, and Jennifer Lawrence as Thor. Moreover, Black Widow and Loki have also been gender swapped, and acted respectively by Chris Pine and Kristen Stewart.

The Female Avengers with Male Black Widow The Female Avengers with Male Black Widow The Female Avengers with Male Black Widow The Female Avengers with Male Black Widow The Female Avengers with Male Black Widow The Female Avengers with Male Black Widow

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