The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Dragonborn Iron Helmet Replica

We have introduced a Skyrim inspired fleece hat, but if you want a more realistic costume for upcoming Halloween party, the following Skyrim Dragonborn iron helmet replica may be more suitable for you.

The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Dragonborn Iron Helmet Replica

This is a highly detailed helmet replica themed by the popular video game The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, handmade by Lacie O’Connor from Germany. As we can see from the images, the helmet features full sized construction, and comes with exquisite details, moreover, those striking scars and weathering surface make the helmet look like surviving from fierce wars in the magic universe of the Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. Apart from that, the Dragonborn helmet is constructed out of paper, resin and auto body filler so it’s durable and lightweight for convenient to wear.

The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Dragonborn Iron Helmet Replica The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Dragonborn Iron Helmet Replica

The Skyrim Dragonborn helmet replica is priced at $220 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Etsy for more details.

The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Dragonborn Iron Helmet Replica The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Dragonborn Iron Helmet Replica

Additionally, if you have enough time, you may like to make Skyrim dragonborn helmet by yourself.

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