Team Fortress 2 is Free to Play Forever

Earlier this week, Valve announced Team Fortress 2 is free for a week, but now Team Fortress 2 is free to play forever according to its official website.

Team Fortress 2 is Free to Play Forever

Team Fortress 2 is a classic first-person multi player shooter game developed by Valve. The regular tag of price is $9.99 USD, but now you can download TF2 without any fee. Of course, as a freemium game, Valve will earn revenues through in-game items in order to cover the daily expenses and purchase new servers for the flood of new members of Team Fortress 2. After the break, check out the latest demo video for the new free-to-play Team Fortress 2, or directly head to Steam Store for the download

Additionally, if you need more Team Fortress 2 themed gadgets, don’t miss the Soldier collectible figure and Team Fortress 2 iPhone skins.

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