Tag: salt and pepper shakers
You have many gadgets and toys to show your love to Star Trek? Do you have the Star Trek Enterprise and Shuttle salt and pepper shakers? Not yet? Let’s …
What kind of geek are you? Retro video game geek? Sure? Then the following Pacman Ghost salt and pepper shakers may be suitable for you.
You like Coca-Cola? Then you may like to put the two little Coca-Cola bottle styled salt and pepper shakers in your kitchen to inspire your cooking time.
Want something to inspire your cooking time? No doubt, this pair of D-cell battery styled salt and pepper shakers is an absolutely fine way.
We haven’t seen Space Invaders for a long time, but this doesn’t show they vanished. Check out the Space Invaders salt and pepper shakers, apparently they have come back.
It seems the terrible space invaders have jumped out of the vintage ATARI video game, and appear on our table. Do you have any weapon to destroy these pixel …