Tag: NES
The NES Classic has a similar mini body with Nintendo’s upcoming Classic NES Edition, but the Raspberry Pi powered mini game console looks more awesome with its mini workable …
Nintendo has announced NES Classic Edition. With 30 of the best retro games, the mini NES game console lets you enjoy the old-school pixelated pleasure with ease.
8Bitdo and Analogu has released their latest creation: Retro Receiver. Using the adapter, you can play old-school NES games with advanced wireless controllers. Cool? Let’s keep going.
Apparently you can use the LEGO creation to play your favorite Super Mario Bros video game series, but you can decently show your love to the classic game console …
Sorry, you can’t use the NES game console to play those old-school video games, but if you want to enjoy your favorite music, the handmade NES iPhone dock speaker …
Sorry, you can’t turn your Apple TV into a real retro game console to play those classic video games, but if you wish your Apple TV looks like a …
Apparently you can’t use Apple TV to enjoy those old-school NES games. But if you want to disguise your Apple TV as a retro NES game console, the following …
Which retro game console is your favorite, Gameboy, NES, or Super NES? No matter which one you like, the following three retro game console themed wall clocks should be …