Tag: LEGO brick
Following recent LEGO Simpsons House, LEGO has revealed an amazing LEGO set based on Ghostbusters at ToyFair New York. If you’re curious, let’s go on checking.
Want to turn your iPad mini into an amazing creation platform? Take a look at BrickCase LEGO brick inspired iPad mini case, it may be a perfect solution.
We have featured many nice protective cases for iPhone 5, but if you want to turn your iPhone into creative platform, SmallWorks’s BrickCase 5 iPhone 5 case may be …
You can use your LEGO bricks to build a pretty cool RC car, but if you want to control it with your iPhone, the following ATOMS creative toys will …
We’re living in a time full of high-tech products so Santa Claus has decided to replace his deers the traditional distributor with the following LEGO mecha. If you’re curious, …
Can you imagine what will happen when Tetris combines with LEGO bricks? Take a look at the following stop motion video, it should be the best answer.
We love Grand Theft Auto video game series, also like LEGO creations. Can you imagine what will happen when the two themes come together? The following Grand Theft Auto …
We have introduced several LEGO mini storage boxes. But if you think they are not enough to hold your numerous items, the following LEGO brick storage container may be …