Tag: Geek
Have you remembered the alcohol shot gun? Apparently for a geek war, a kind of weapon isn’t enough. Now Marshmallow Mforcer semi-automatic pistol is coming.
Don’t try to use the Ctrl – Alt – Del for controlling your computer. Obviously these geek pillows are ready for your comfortable feeling.
How do we definite the most common 26 letters in the alphabet? Undoubtedly the characters of the pictographs can’t content those geeks who prefer to the roads less traveled.
The design concept of combination of Google Map and traditional envelope, here and here are the wonderful examples.
It’s really great idea for us, especially those computer geeks. I guess that they’d love to put the circular motherboard coasters on your desk when your geek friends visit.
The interesting picture originally from Ibrahim Evsans blog seems so complex and confused. I have never known where there are so many types of geek. You think which one …
although a greeting card isn’t a expensive gift, a good designed greeting card is still a suitable holiday gift for the friends, especially during Christmas.
The junk-metal NIKE shoes weight 9 pounds and covered by electronic and metal scraps. The shoes named “Pentium” is designed by designer Gabriel Dishaw.