Tag: Companion Cube
The weighted companion cube can’t be used to solve puzzles in Portal 2, but you can utilize it to steep your favorite tea. Like both tea and Portal? Let’s …
Need a personalized way to put your keys together? If you’re a fan of Portal 2, the following sentry turret and companion cube keychains should be able to catch …
Apparently the Weighted Companion Cube can’t help you solve puzzles, but if you’re a fan of Portal 2, you may like to hold your food with the companion cube …
As we had known, Companion Cube can help you solve various puzzles in Portal 2 video game, but if you want to cool down your beverage, the Portal 2 …
Apparently the small-sized Portal Weighted Companion Cube can’t help you solve any puzzle in the universe of Portal or Portal 2, but if you want to store your coins, …
No doubt, that weighted companion cube cookie jar is too big to carry with ease. If you want to take the cute cube with you, the Portal 2 Companion …
How can you eat the delicious cookies all alone? If you’re a big fan of Portal video game series, the Portal Weighted Companion Cube cookie jar should be a …