Superheroes in History

We have some evidence that many Superheroes have been involved with many great historic events such as the following incredible superheroes themed photo series.

Superheroes in History

As we can see from the images, this is a unique photo series themed by our familiar superheroes like Super Man, Spider Man, Captain America, Batman, Incredible Hulk, the Flash, and more. You even can see Darth Vader in Conference of the Big Three and Moscow, and the Joker in Moscow in 1941. Of course, these two are evil super power instead of heroes. These photos were produced by agan harahap, a wildlife photographer from Indonesia. No doubt, he’s a fan of superheroes. After the break, check out the unique black-and-white pictures.

Superheroes in History Superheroes in History
Superheroes in History Superheroes in History
Superheroes in History Superheroes in History

Additionally, if you need some other superheroes themed images, you might like to check this group of illustrations themed by superheroes.

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