Super Mario Mushroom Salt and Pepper Shakers

As we know, the mushroom from Mushroom Kingdom can give Mario special abilities. In real life, the Super Mario Mushroom salt and pepper shakers can also power up your meal.

Super Mario Mushroom Salt and Pepper Shakers

This is a pair of Super Mario themed salt and pepper shakers. As we can see from the images, the two shakers are respectively shaped as the iconic mushrooms from the classic video game series Super Mario Bros, including the green 1-Up mushroom and red Power-Up mushroom. Each mushroom shaker is made of plastic and TPE for durability, and measures approx 5.5cm in diameter. Of course, you can’t eat the mushrooms like Mario did in Mushroom Kingdom, but just twisting the outside cap of the mushroom, spreading the inside seasoning on the roast, apparently it is much better than gaining a 1-Up mushroom or Power-Up.

Super Mario Mushroom Salt and Pepper Shakers

The Super Mario mushroom salt and pepper shakers are priced at $18 USD, one for $9 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Strapya World for more details.

Super Mario Mushroom Salt and Pepper Shakers

Additionally, if you need other options, you might like to check Star Trek salt and pepper shakers, D-cell battery salt and pepper shakers and more via “salt and pepper shakers” tag

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