Stormtrooper Dancer in Tokyo

Many events has proved Stormtrooper from Star Wars not only is a group of soldiers. For instance, the following video shown us the Stormtrooper is a perfect dancer in Tokyo.

Stormtrooper Dancer in Tokyo

This video called “Singin’ in the Rain – Special Edition” comes from Danny Choo’s blog dedicated to Japanese pop culture. As we have seen, there are three dancers in the video, including two clone troopers built with 3D software and a Stormtrooper played by Danny Choo. Apart from that, R2-D2 will make a guest appearance on the dancing show. Well, let’s go on checking the wonderful video.

By the way, we have to say “Danny, you’re the best dancer among these troopers”.

Stormtrooper Dancer in Tokyo Source

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  1. Tim 08/18/2010

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