Following the announcement of new Apple TV with its capability to run games. SteelSeries unveiled Nimbus, its latest game controller that supports the Apple TV.
The Nimbus is a professional and Apple friendly game controller that measures 5.91 x 4.33 x 2.49 inches. As we can see from the images, the gamepad controller shows off a sleek and low-profile design, and with two ergonomic grips, the Nimbus offers you a comfortable grip experience for a long game session.
The game controller comes equipped with a D-pad, two joysticks, four firing buttons and four shoulder buttons so it allows you to effortlessly handle various controller-enabled games. It’s worth mentioning that the shoulder buttons are pressure sensitive in order to support those Touch 3D-enabled mobile games.
Moreover, the Nimbus utilizes Bluetooth technology to wirelessly connect with iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac or new Apple TV. Its built-in rechargeable battery offers over 40 hours of usage between charges. Apart from that, it can be charged via integrated Lightning port.
The Nimbus gamepad controller will be available for $49.95 USD in October this year via its official site and Apple Store. If you’re interested, jump to the product page for its more details.