Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet through Ancient and Future

Helmet isn’t a rare thing, especially in ancient times when wars broke out frequently. Can you imagine what the helmet looks like when stormtrooper helmet combines with ancient helmets? No? Let’s go on checking.

Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet through Ancient and Future

This is another incredible modification of Star Wars Stormtrooper helmet from 501st Legion. Artist Chase Gustafson built the unique helmet that goes through ancient and future. Just as the name implies, “Warrior Thru the Ages” features various elements from ancient helmets, including Viking horns, Roman soldier plume, samurai helmet dome with plated flare and tie, medieval knight blackened steel face armor, maori warrior face tattoo, and Mongolian warrior beard.

Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet through Ancient and Future

No doubt, when all these warrior cultures are rolled into one, the owner of the stormtrooper helmet will become the king of stormtrooper.

Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet through Ancient and Future

By the way, don’t ever miss other modifications from 501st Legion such as Sith Empire Stormtrooper helmet, multifunctional Stormtrooper helmet, and more.

Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet through Ancient and Future Source

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