Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet Built with Milk Jug

Are you still thinking about buying a Star Wars Stormtrooper helmet as your Halloween costume? Take a look at the milk jug Stormtrooper helmet, apparently that’s not necessary.

Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet Built with Milk Jug

The incredible homemade Stormtrooper helmet is designed by Lindsey from California. Just as we see, the helmet is made of a couple of gallon size milk jugs. Two jugs were cut to special shapes and put together with hot glue as the blank model. Then the maker gave the helmet an acrylic craft paint and added necessary details that belong to a standard Stormtrooper from Star Wars.

Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet Built with Milk Jug

Well, this is just an outline of the processes. If you also want to make a milk jug Stormtrooper helmet by yourself, jump to Filth Wizardry for more details.

By the way, don’t forget to check the steampunk Stormtrooper helmet and the Stormtrooper helmet modification, maybe these helmet can bring you more inspiration.

Stormtrooper Helmet Built with Milk Jug Source

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