Star Wars R2-D2 Paper Craft

Apparently not everyone can build incredible LEGO R2-D2 robot, but if you want to create your own R2-D2, the R2-D2 paper craft should be perfect for you.

Star Wars R2-D2 Paper Craft

The R2-D2 papercraft is created by Julius Perdana, the blogger of Paper Replika. As we can see from the images, the R2-D2 paper model features subtle details and perfect figure replicated from the original one in the universe of Star Wars. All the parts of the R2-D2 paper craft are printed on 5 sheets of paper. When finished, the R2-D2 is in 1/6 scale. Most importantly, the maker has released the template of the papercraft. If you also want to make a paper R2-D2, jump to Paper Replika for more details.

Star Wars R2-D2 Paper Craft

Additionally, if you need other Star Wars themed paper crafts, you might lime to check the Star Wars cubeecrafts, Stormtrooper papercraft and more via “Star Wars” tag.

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