Star Wars in Winnie the Pooh

Apparently these are our familiar scenes appearing in Winne the Pooh, but in here some characters in Star Wars have replaced Pooh and his friends. Isn’t this a great idea?

Star Wars in Winnie the Pooh

Artist James Hance designed this group of lovely cartoon illustrations themed by Winne-the-Pooh and Star Wars. Just as we’ve seen, Pooh Bear, Piglet, Christopher Robin, and Eeyore have been respectively replaced by Chewbacca, R2-D2, Han Solo, and AT-AT. Which cartoon character is your favorite one? I like the AT-AT Eeyore with a butterfingered tail.

Star Wars in Winnie the Pooh

Additionally, James has released three kinds of t-shirts themed by the Star Wars Winne the Pooh. Each piece is priced at $25 USD. If you’re interested, jump to his site for more details.

Star Wars in Winnie the Pooh

By the way, don’t ever miss another group of cartoony Star Wars characters and Japanese styled Star Wars illustrations.

Star Wars in Winnie the Pooh Source

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