Space Invaders Knit Hat

Warning, warning! a group of Space Invaders has been upon our heads, but apparently we brought this upon our heads, let’s go on checking the fun Space Invaders knit hat.

Space Invaders Knit Hat

This is a hand-knitted hat themed by the well-known arcade game Space Invaders. As we can see from the images, many cute 8-bit aliens have conquered the little hat knitted from 80% cotton and 20% wool. Of course, their main aim is to keep your head warm.

Space Invaders Knit Hat

The Space Invaders knit hat comes in two colors: monochrome and coloured. Each one is available in three sizes including 20-, 22-, and 24-inch. Each one costs $18 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Etsy (colorful version) for more details.

Space Invaders Knit Hat

By the way, don’t ever miss other fun Space Invaders gadgets such as Space Invaders doormat, Space Invaders messenger bag, and more via “Space Invaders” tag.

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