Looking for a multi purpose solar battery charger backpack for your wonderful travel? Check out the backpack integrated two speaker units and solar panel, which is the cheapest one we’ve ever seen.
The multi purpose tarpaulin solar backpack comes with a 1600mAh battery pack. Through the integrated solar panel or AC outlet, the battery pack is able to supply power for your various portable devices such as iPhone, iPod, cell phones, digital camera, PSP, MP3 player, and etc. Moreover, the solar charger backpack has a pair of stereo speakers with 3.5mm jack powered by 4x AAA or solar battery, and it also comes with 8 connectors for the various devices need to charge, and a LED light on the battery pack.
The multi purpose solar backpack is priced at $29.88 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Chinavasion for full details. Want to spend more money for a solar pack? Check this article.
Well said, but we all need to realise that adding Solar to their house is an asset which could raise the actual valuation of their building if / when they make a choice to sell. With the environment the way it is going we are not able to ignore any system that presents 100 % free power at no cost to both the buyer and more importantly the world!
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