Want to make delicious cookies for your geek friends? Check out the social media icon styled cookie cutter, maybe it can inspire you.
Estivastudio, a Russia-based design studio came up with its internal project: Cookies for geek, for their clients and visitors. As we can see from the images, it’s not a pen or notebook with the logo of the design studio, but a pack of social media icon cookies. Every cookie was cut as an icon of the social network, like Facebook, Twitter, RSS feed, we even can see the icon of Favorites, but unfortunately, the four social media icon styled cookie cutters are just used to make cookies for their clients. We have no idea whether the cool cookie cutter will be available in the market. After the break, check out the following images.
Additionally, if you need available options, don’t miss the Pacman cookie cutter and yellow submarine cookie cutter.
Geeks aren’t that into social media, you know… more cookies for dorks.
Social media geek 🙂