Skyroam Solis X Smart WiFi Hotspot with Power Bank and Remote Camera

Using patented virtual SIM technology Skyroam Solis X smart WiFi hotspot works in over 130 countries without needing a SIM card. Need more features? Let’s have a look.Skyroam Solis X Smart WiFi Hotspot with Power Bank and Remote Camera

The Solis X is a multi-functional WiFi hotspot that measures 88mm x 23mm and weighs 11 ounces. With a compact rounded form factor, it allows for easy carrying, and the neat contours and orange exterior show off a minimal and elegant appearance design.

Using virtual SIM technology, the WiFi hotspot lets you enjoy 4G LTE speeds in over 130+ countries without needing an extra SIM card.Skyroam Solis X Smart WiFi Hotspot with Power Bank and Remote Camera

Furthermore, it supports up to 10 connected devices for accessing the Internet. A $99 monthly subscription gives you unlimited global connectivity, while a $6 monthly subscription for the US or Europe provides 1GB per month plus $6 for every additional 1GB. And you can cancel it anytime, with no contract.

Moreover, with 4,700mAh rechagreable battery, the WiFi hotspot serves as a portable power bank to charge your smartphone.

A built-in 8MP remote camera with LED flash helps you record every wonderful moment or live stream on the road.

In addition, using its smart assistant powered by built-in GPS and IFTTT, you can control or automate apps and services from the hotspot with a singe tap.

The Solis X smart WiFi hotspot is priced at $179.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to the product page for its more details.

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