Do you want to take self-portrait with your Smartphone without distance limitation? Or take a group photo not one less? Luckily! The Shuttr bluetooth remote shutter will help you.
Shuttr is a unique and practical Bluetooth remote shutter that measures 6mm in thickness, and designed for smartphones. As we can see from the images, the remote control features ultra compact design, using the custom keyhole you can easily attach the remote shutter to your keychain for easy carrying, and the built-in bluetooth technology allows the remote shutter easily to pair with your iOS device or Android phone in order to remotely control the front or rear camera of your smartphone for awesome group shots and beautiful self portraits. Moreover, the remote shutter is compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4/4S, iPhone 5, iPad 4/3/2, iPad mini, iPod touch 4G or above, Samsung Galaxy S3, Notes 2, Notes 10.1, Nexus 4, and Sony Xperia S.
At present the team of Shuttr is raising fund at Indiegogo. Pledging $29 will let you own the bluetooth remote shutter, and there are multiple optional phone lenses. If you’re interested, jump to Indiegogo official site for more details or check out the following demo video first.
Biiwatch is the Muku Shutter competitor with more advantages:
– autonomy with the bluetooth low energy technology
– you could use Biiwatch like bracelet or the standart remote control without the bracelet
– Biiwatch is indoor and outdoor accessory