Set a mini office cubicle playset on desktop

How did you spend your free time in office? Obviously everyone has their own methods. Here is another, the Cubes – Cubicle Playsets.

Set a mini office cubicle playset on desktop

The mini office cubicle playset contains various necessary accessories for building a mini cubicle on your desktop such as four walls, desk, chair, file cabinet, phone, in/out box, and computer as well varied decorated stickers. Of course, don’t forget your subordinate, a cute action figure.

The mini office cubicle playset is available in four types according to different jobs. The price range is from $7.99 – $12.99 USD. Want to become their boss? Jump to ThinkGeek for more details.

By the way, you also can put the Steve Jobs in the cubicle to manage these employees.

Set a mini office cubicle playset on desktop Set a mini office cubicle playset on desktop

Set a mini office cubicle playset on desktop

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