Your fuzzy friend prefers his mat instead of grass? Then you may like to show him Sbark tikr snack activity dog toy. He will love the toy and the snacks inside.
The tikr is a well-designed and innovative dog toy that measures 3.5 x 3.5 x 4.8 inches and weighs 1 pound. As we can see from the images, the shape of the item looks a bit like Mega Man’s Mega Blaster. Of course, you can’t mount it on your arm, but the compact form factor and smooth contours ensure it’s an ideal toy for dogs.
The snack activity dog toy features a two-layer design. The inner layer is a rotatable container controlled by a built-in timer. Using two strategically-sized holes through the layers, you can put some snacks in your tikr and set the timer. As the timer unwinds, the holes will slowly line up allowing the snacks to casually fall out from the inner. Meanwhile, the snacks that remain inside will keep your dog mesmerized when he play. The playtime can be as short as 5 minutes or as long as 45 minutes. During the playtime, the dog will be continually rewarded. In addition, mechanical design allows it to work well without needing electronics or batteries.
The tikr snack activity dog toy is priced at $28.71 USD. If you’re interested, jump to here for its more details.