Rubrick Cube is a Fully Functional LEGO Rubik’s Cube

The Rubik’s Cube is built with your LEGO bricks. Most importantly, the Rubrick Cube is fully functional, which brings you more fun combined with puzzles and creativity.

Rubrick LEGO Rubik's Cube

The Rubrick Cube is an amazing LEGO Rubik’s cube designed by qunoto, a LEGO lover from Toronto. The Rubik’s cube measures 4cm/ 1.57 inches cubed, and as we can see from the images, all the color sides are built with LEGO bricks that can’t be moved from the cube, but you can add your own LEGO pieces on the cube for a very own LEGO Rubik’s Cube. Moreover, Rubrick Cube is workable to satisfy your desire to solve puzzles, and it’s customizable by choosing your favorite colors for the sides.

Rubrick LEGO Rubik's Cube

The LEGO Rubik’s Cube is priced at $25 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Etsy for its more details. Want more cool LEGO creations? You may like to check the fast food restaurant LEGO set and more by following tags.

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  1. thomas de poorter 06/26/2017
  2. Jeff Penver 03/21/2016
    • thomas de poorter 06/26/2017

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